Softshell turtles cost \9,500 each, but come with a lavish full-course meal and can be shared by a party of any size. There are plenty of other food and drink options on the menu as well.
商品名 | 和風ピリからスッポン麻婆豆腐 850円[Spicy mapo tofu with turtle 850] |
商店街名 | あやめ商店会[Ayame Shotenkai] |
店名・施設名 | 丸新[Marushin] |
最寄り駅 | 蒲田駅(京浜東北線、他) |
住所 | 東京都大田区蒲田3-17-12 塚田ビル1F[Tsukada Bldg 1F, 3-17-12 Kamata, Ota-ku, Tokyo] |
定休日 | 月[Mondays] |
お問い合わせ | 03-3735-7793 |